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Authentic Confederate Belt Buckles & Plates From The Civil War
51st Alabama Campsite Excavated Confederate Egg Style C.S. Belt Buckle
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This is a great looking original Confederate belt buckle. This is the style known to collectors as the "Egg" style C.S. They get their nickname because of the oval egg-like design. The brass that it was stamped out of is a thin as an eggshell. This one has the "CS" on the face of the buckle that is clear as a bell. This buckle hasn't had any restoration at all. On the back of the plate you could see the outline of the solder marks that at one time would have held the telegraph wire hooks. The hooks are almost never found on these because all they were made of was a thin iron wire bent over to form the hooks and lightly soldered onto the buckle. The verbal history that accompanied this buckle is that it was found Fosterville, Tennessee in an area occupied by the 51st Alabama Infantry. It was excavated by a relic hunter named Mike Taylor. It displays beautifully.

Item #: C4352
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price:$2,850.00 USD
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