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Original Revolvers From The Colt Firearms Company
Gorgeous 2nd Year Production .28 Caliber Colt Model 1855 Sidehammer Revolver
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This is a gorgeous attractive original and popular Colt revolver known to collectors as the "Root" model. This one is .28 caliber and has the classic model 1855 sidehammer design. The action works well on all positions. The original grip is present has a fine dark look to the walnut with a very pretty grain. The grips still have a very fine amount of the original factory varnish and they are the high quality walnut. The serial numbers are all matching at 10,419 which would have been made in 1856 which was the 2nd year of production for this pattern of revolver. You can see that the gun has fantastic original factory bluing on the parts. It is definitely a couple of steps up from most of the ones that you encounter. Across the top of the 3.5 inch barrel is the clear "COLT'S PT. ADDRESS COL. COLT / 1855 HARTFORD CT. U.S.A." marking. These guns were made in Hartford Connecticut with the sales office being located in New York City. At the end of the barrel it has the bead style front sight intact. On the sides of the cylinder you can still see a fine amount of the original Indian and cabin cylinder scene. This is a wonderful original .28 caliber Colt "Root" Revolver from the 2nd year of production.

Item #: C4181
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$2,850.00 USD
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