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Dug Swords, Bayonet, Etc used by Civil War Soldiers
Group of 100 Authentic Shot Bullets From The Battle of the Wilderness
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Here is a nice group of excavated Civil War bullets. You get all 100 of these excavated original bullets. There is a nice mix of rifled muskets bullets to go along with some pistol bullets, carbine bullets and musket balls. There is a nice assorted variety. The neat thing about these is that they are all shot examples and each one will have the unique pattern where it struck something. Some are lightly distorted and some are very torn up. The verbal history that accompanied these bullets is that they were recovered near the battle of the Wilderness in Virginia. The Battle of the Wilderness was fought on May 5–7, 1864, during the American Civil War. It was the first battle of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant's 1864 Virginia Overland Campaign against General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. The fighting occurred in a wooded area near Locust Grove, Virginia, about 20 miles west of Fredericksburg. Both armies suffered heavy casualties, nearly 29,000 in total, a harbinger of a war of attrition by Grant against Lee's army and, eventually, against the Confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia. You get all of the bullets that you see here for $195.00. You sure can't dig these for that price these days.

Item #: C4088
Shipping Weight: 9 lbs
Your Price:$195.00 USD
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