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Authentic Original Rifle & Musket Bayonets of .58 Caliber
Authentic Artifacts from the Revolutionary War Era thru About 1840
Cool Looking British Style Socket Bayonet with Sanskrit and Lion Engraving
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Here is a cool looking bayonet from the 1800's. This is one of the socket bayonets from India or Nepal. It is a British style with the very large socket. The back of the socket has the raised lip with the notch. Along the top of the socket, it has the Sanskrit writing with the engraved lion image. It also has some markings along the base of the full-length blade that measures 16 inches. The bayonet measures 20 inches in overall size. This is a cool looking bayonet!

Item #: C4000
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$99.00 USD
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