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Swords Used by the Cavalry Branch of Service
Edged Weapons
Original 1839 Dated Dragoon Pattern Cavalry Saber With Ames Mark and "UNITED STATES"
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This is a tougher to find pattern of pre-Civil War sword. This is the desirable model 1833 pattern Dragoon saber. This sword was made by the famous N.P. Ames Company of Springfield, Mass and it is so engraved at the base of the blade. It also has the 1839 production date still visible. The records show that the last contract for these model 1833 sabers and that they were delivered in 1839 and they only made 2,000. Below the maker markings it has the "WS" inspector letters for the inspector, William Smith. It has the "WS" initials on the handguard quillion for William Smith. The blade is full-length with a nice attic tone patina all over. On the back side of the blade it has the "UNITED STATES" in script lettering engraved into the metal. The entire brass handguard and, pommel and backstrap are present and you can see that they saw service. You can still see the ordnance inspector stamp on the inside of the handguard as well as the "MPL" inspector initials. These are the initials of the Ordnance Department inspector Mann Page Lomax. He inspected swords from 1838 until 1840. The original handle is present with the wooden core remaining. About 90% of the original leather is hanging on with an attractive ancient look. This one has the attractive original twisted spring wire wrap intact. The sword is accompanied by the original steel scabbard. The scabbard is complete with the original mounts and rings as well as the original drag and throat. Most of the time these scabbards are missing in action but this one is complete. It still retains both of the split style original rings on the mounts. On the bottom of the drag it has the correct and matching "MPL" inspector initials. This is a nice looking original 1839 dated Ames Dragoon pattern cavalry saber.

Item #: C3958
Shipping Weight: 15 lbs
Your Price:$1,295.00 USD
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