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Authentic Original Rifle & Musket Bayonets of .58 Caliber
Edged Weapons
Authentic Ainsworth Inspected Civil War Bayonet For the Colt Military Rifle
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This is a nice and complete original socket bayonet for the Civil War .58 caliber rifle. This is the classic style carried during the Civil War. It has a full-length blade with a pretty dark attic tone. At the base of the blade, it has the remnants of the "US" marking as well as the inspector letter "F" stamped into the metal. On the top of the socket it has the letter "A" which stands for Ainsworth who was an inspector for the Colt Arsenal. This lets us know that this bayonet would have been with a Colt rifle when it was new. The socket is in fine shape and still has the original lockring and screw intact. This one will look very nice out on the end of your Colt rifle.

Item #: C3723
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$225.00 USD
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