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Authentic Confederate Manufactured or Used Swords and Firearms of the Civil War
Edged Weapons
Rare Excavated Confederate Spearpoint Battle Pike Found in Alabama
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Here is a piece that you seldom see offered for sale these days! It is an original Confederate hand forged pike. These were spears made by the Confederacy during the early days of the Civil War. This is the version that has a double edged spear style blade. The overall size on this one measures 19 inches from end to end. The last 12-1/4th inches being the spear portion of the pike. It even has the original iron collar intact at the base of the blade. This long pattern of the wood is designed so the soldier on the ground could use it for defense against a charging enemy with the wood being lost to the ages. It didn't take long for them to realize that if you were that close you were too close so only a relatively small amount were produced. This is a fantastic piece of weaponry from a war that went from spears and daggers to machine guns and torpedoes in only four years. the verbal history that accompanied this pike is that it was found years ago in Southern Alabama, near Mobile. It is a nice and original excavated Civil War Confederate relic for $795.00 and as you can see, it has a million dollars worth of cool factor.

Item #: C3653
Price: $795.00 USD (Sale Pending)
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