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Original Revolvers From The Colt Firearms Company
Reproduction Colt Dragoon Revolver Powder Flask with Patriotic Designs
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This is a nice looking modern made reproduction of a rare piece of Colt firearms history. It is the copied after the black powder flask for the Colt walker or dragoon pattern revolver. This is the pattern illustrated on page 78 of Wilson's book on Colt revolvers. It is also the pattern that is illustrated and described on page 96 of Robin Rapley's book entitled The History and Identification of Colt Accoutrements 1834- 1911. He states that these were produced by the famous firm of Dixon and sons of Sheffield, England. This is the large and early pattern of Colt flask. It has the non-function plunger style looking spout at the top. It also has the lid that slides to the side to reveal a chamber for carrying round balls. Each side of the flask body has the military scene. It has a cannon and mortar with flags and spears in the background. Below the artillery it has the crossed Colt style rifles with pistols below them. Each side of the body was designed with the original strap loop and one is still intact and in fine shape. An original one of these flask will being well over $2,000. You can own this reproduction for a fraction of that. THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL FLASK AND IS PRICED ACCORDINGLY!

Item #: C3643
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$69.00 USD
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