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Excavated Civil War Uniform Buttons From the Union Government Artillery & Navy
New Orleans Found! War of 1812 Pewter Infantry Script "I" Button GI36b
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This is an original excavated coat button from the War of 1812. This is the version with the script style letter "I" on the face with the star in the oval below. It is made of pewter and this one is a very nice display piece. It is missing the shank on the reverse with the base is present. This is the style listed as GI36b in Albert's button book with the 6 pointed version of the star. The verbal history that accompanied this button is that it was recovered years ago in New Orleans, Louisiana. This is a great looking authentic War of 1812 Infantry Uniform button.

Item #: C3193
Shipping Weight: 0.3 lb
Your Price:$79.00 USD
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