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Silver & Copper Coins and Tokens
Coins Currency & Bonds
U.S. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT One Ration Token From the 1870's
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Here is a neat little piece that is a little bigger than the size of a quarter. It has the image of a federal eagle and says U.S. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT around the rim. On the reverse it says ONE/RATION with some decorative elements in the center. It has the hole punched through the piece. During the 1870's, such tokens were reportedly used by Cavalry troops at Fort Larned (a.k.a. Camp Alert) in Kansas and recoveries indicate that they were issued &/or accepted at Indian Wars era posts farther West as well. This one is rough but real.

Item #: C1615
Shipping Weight: 0.3 lb
Your Price:$42.00 USD
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