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Authtentic Military Images
Fantastic Framed Albumen Image of Thomas Vickers of the Washington Arsenal
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This image has an amazing look and an amazing history! This is an original albumen image of Sergeant Thomas Vickers of the Washington Arsenal. This image measures 5 inches by 8 inches in size and is framed with the text below in a quality frame that measures 17 inches by 20 inches in overall size. On the back of the frame, it states that it was framed in museum quality glass and matting. The image is of Thomas Vickers (1788-1866) had illustrious and longest military career imaginable. He was born in England joined Coldstream Guards in 1806 with service till 1827 when was discharged, he came to NYC in 1829, joined the US Army in 1831, in 1836 he was assigned to Washington Arsenal where he stayed until day of his death November 1, 1866. In the image, he is seated wearing Hardee hat, sword, 9 button frock with sergeant chevrons and 7 service stripes, and ordnance insignia on collars, Vickers was awarded this rank in 1862. This image was displayed at office of late Michael MacAfee, Curator of History, West Point Museum. What a great image!

Item #: C1010
Shipping Weight: 10 lbs
Your Price:$695.00 USD
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