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Authentic Military and Official United States Government Documents
11th Maine Infantry CDV Image & 2 Tactics Manuals Of Lt. Francis Johnson
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This is an original CDV image of a soldier from Maine and a pair of Civil War Infantry tactics manual that is identified to the same soldier who carried them. The CDV image shows the full-length view of the officer in full uniform. He holds his hat in one hand and the other hand is on his model 1850 foot officer sword. Around his waist he has the Eagle style sword belt and buckle and you can see the over the shoulder strap that balanced the sword. He wears the single breasted frock style officer's coat with the officers shoulder straps clearly visible. The back of the card stock has the Bangor, Maine photographer Mark of A. M. Burnham. Above the photographer Mark it has the pencil inscription that reads F.M. Johnson. When we looked up the name on Civil War we saw that they had another image of Johnson in uniform and it is definitely the same soldier. There are a pair of original Civil War tactics manuals. They are the 1862 edition of the second and third volume of Infantry Tactics manual of Silas Casey. They were printed by Van Nostrand of New York in 1862. They have what appears to be all of the pull-out diagrams and pages intact. You can tell that these books were carried and used. Each one of the manuals has Johnson's name on the inside of the cover it has the name of "F. M. Johnson Co. D. 11th ME Regt. Yorktown, VA" nicely written in brown ink. The records show that Johnson enlisted on November 12, 1861 as a private in the 11th Maine infantry. He served until July 13, 1863 when he resigned. During that time he was promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. The records also show that the 11th Maine was it Yorktown from August 16, 1862 until December 26, 1862 when they left for Port Royal, South Carolina. It's kind of neat that you know he would've gotten these books within that short timeframe. The Regiment saw action while Johnson was present at Williamsburg, 7 Pines and White Oak Swamp. This is a great group that includes both of the tactics manual's which each have the ink inscription as well as the CDV image of Johnson in uniform. Accompanying the pieces is an 1890 softbound book about the 11th Maine and some printed records of Johnson's service. You get both manuals, the CDV, the book and a brief printout of Johnson's service for $795.

Item #: B9955
Shipping Weight: 4 lbs
Your Price:$795.00 USD
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