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Autographs - Confederate
Civil War Documents
Autograph Letter by Confederate General William Cabell While Mayor of Dallas
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This is a great original autograph of a famous Confederate General. This is the signature of Confederate General William Lewis Cabell (January 1, 1827 – February 21, 1911). The General born in Danville, Virginia on January 1st 1827. He graduated with the class of 1850 from West Point Military Academy. He was assigned to Beauregard's staff and then to General Earl Van Dorn's command. He commanded in North Mississippi at Corinth and Tupelo where he was wounded at Corinth and Hatchie River. After he recovered, he was sent to the Trans-Mississippi to command more guerrilla type soldiers. In October of 1864 he was captured during Sterling Price's raid in Missouri. After being released from prison camps, he went to Fort Smith and became a lawyer. In 1872 he moved to Dallas, Texas and became the city's mayor in 1874. The signature is on a letter written by Cabell while serving as mayor of Dallas. The letter is dated September 23rd 1875. It is on paper that measures 7-7/8th inches by 9-3/4th inches in size. It is signed "W.L. Cabell" and he adds "Mayor". The autograph is accompanied by a modern made xerox image of the General in his uniform to enhance the display. This is a fine original Confederate autograph!

Item #: B8584
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price:$245.00 USD
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