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Autographs - Confederate
Civil War Documents
Autograph of Confederate Lieutenant General John Pemberton (1814 - 1881)
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This is a great original autograph of a famous Confederate General. This is the signature of Confederate Lieutenant General John Clifford Pemberton (August 10, 1814 - July 13, 1881). The General born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 10th 1814. He graduated West point with the class of 1837. He fought with distinction in the Seminole War and then the Mexican War. On June 17th 1861 he was appointed a Brigadier General for the Confederacy. He rose to Major General on January 14th 1862 and the command of South Carolina and Georgia Departments. On October 10th 1862 he was promoted to Lieutenant General and was assigned to defend the Vicksburg, Mississippi area. This is where he is best known for. He was forced to surrender to U.S. Grant on July 4th 1863. After he was exchanged he went to Richmond He died on July 13th 1881 and was buried in his home state of Pennsylvania. The signature is on a piece of paper trimmed from a military document that measures 3-1/4th inches by 1/4th of an inch in size. It is signed "J.C. Pemberton." The autograph is accompanied by a modern made xerox image of the General in his uniform to enhance the display. This is a fine original Confederate autograph!

Item #: B7608
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price:$295.00 USD
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