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Non-Excavated Confederate Buttons from the Central Government
Attic Patina! Non-Excavated Coat Size Confederate Staff Officer CS5
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This is an very cool looking non-excavated coat size Confederate staff officer's button. It looks like it spent 150 years in the veteran's cabin with the extremely thick smoky patina. This is the style listed as CS5 in Albert's button book. These buttons were made in England and ran through the Union naval blockade. It has a beautiful droop-wing eagle on the face with a great look. There is an ever so slight push to the left wing of the eagle that is mentioned for exactness. You can tell that this one was worn and is not just a surplus piece. The back and shank are intact with a clear "EXTRA RICH TREBLE GILT" backmark. This is the same style button that is on the coat that General Lee wore when he surrendered at Appomattox. The coat is now on display at the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia. You'll never own that one but you can have this beauty for $225.00.

Item #: B7379
Shipping Weight: 0.3 lb
Your Price:$225.00 USD
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