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Uniform Buttons of the U.S. Artillery & Navy Branches in Non-Excavated Condition

Rare Backmark 2-Piece Eagle Coat Button Non-Excavated AY75A
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Here is one that you seldom see offered for sale. This is a 2-piece variation of the coat size artillery eagle button that is listed as 75A in Albert's button book. It stands out from the others because of the backmark. This one has the "A" on the shield to denote the artillery branch of service. On the reverse of the button it still has the shank nicely intact. The backmark is the correct and scarce "EXTRA RICH M&C". The books state that it is believed that this is the marking of Meredith & Capner who was located in Birmingham, England. This is a great looking non-excavated artillery button with a rare backmark.

Item #: B6993
Shipping Weight: 0.4 lb
Your Price:$95.00 USD
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