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Presidential Land Grants
Civil War Documents
Presidential Land Grant for Edwardsville, Illinois Lands Under Andrew Jackson
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Here is an original land grant given for land in Edwardsville, Illinois. This was granting 80 acres in Illinois. It was granting Samuel Harris of Greene County, Illinois, eighty acres in township nine north of range near Edwardsville, Illinois. It is dated September 15th 1835. The document measures 16 inches by 10-1/4th inches in size. It is beautiful and has the pre-printed paper with the blanks filled in using fine brown ink. In the lower left hand corner, it has the applied great seal. In the lower right hand corner, it has the secretarial signed signature of President Andrew Jackson. Some of these land grants were signed by the President but most were signed for him by a secretary like this one. The document is accompanied by a modern xerox image of President Jackson. This is a great document from the Jackson administration.

Item #: B4554
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$350.00 USD
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