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Union Veteran Items - Washington, D.C.

Misc. Non-Excavated
U.S. Grant Pewter Topped Walking Cane From the 1892 G.A.R. Reunion in Washington
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What a neat piece from the Sept 20th, 1892 GAR "Grand Army Of The Republic" U.S. Civil War Veteran's Walking Stick Cane. This one was made to commemorate the 26th GAR Annual Encampment held in Washington D.C. It has the original hardwood shaft with metal top that has the pewter top. On one side of the pewter it has the image of a G.A.R. member's medal and the other side has the name of the reunion location and date. On the top of the pewter, it has the raised image of General Ulysses S. Grant's face. The stick is 34 inches in overall length and the cap is 2-1/2 inches. You can tell that the veteran used this one for many miles.

Item #: C4363
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