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Authentic Original Rifle & Musket Bayonets of .58 Caliber
Edged Weapons
Colonial Style .577 Caliber Civil War Enfield Rifle Socket Bayonet
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This is a nice and complete original socket bayonet for the Civil War era Enfield rifle. This one has the remnants of the Arabic style markings along the top of the socket so it would have been used in one of the British Colonies. It has a fine looking full-length blade with a pretty cleaned light color tone all over. The socket is complete with a fine look and it has a nice original lockring and screw present and fully functional. This one wouldn't have been here for the War but it is the classic style of Enfield bayonet that was utilized by soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War. This is an attractive complete .577 caliber Enfield rifle socket bayonet.

Item #: C4336
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$99.00 USD
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