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Authentic Military and Official United States Government Documents
Civil War Documents
TEXAS AMNESTY OATH! Texas Soldier's Oath From Galveston Dated July 25th 1865
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Here is an extremely scarce piece of Texas Confederate history! This is an original Galveston, Texas issued Civil War Amnesty Oath. This is a one printed page document with the blanks filled in with ink. It measures 9-7/8th inches by 8 inches in overall size. It is issued at Galveston, Texas, with the hand written date of July 26, 1865. This scarce Trans-Mississippi oath of allegiance is hand numbered "675" at top, and is beautifully signed "Jos. W. Rice" by a former Confederate. It reads, "I Joseph W. Rice do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God that I will hereafter faithfully defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of states there under; and that I will in like manner abide by and support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the Emancipation of Slavery, so help me God." Along the bottom, it is signed by Captain and Provost Marshal "H. Beard". When I looked up a James Rice in the Texas Confederate soldier listing, there were three with no middle initial listed. One was int he 5th Texas Cavalry and the other two were in the 35th Texas Cavalry. Both regiments had a proud service history. In my 35+ years in the business, this is the first one of these that I have been able to offer. Don't wait another 35 to get another.

Item #: C4328
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$2,850.00 USD
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