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Non-Dug Items Used by Soldiers and on the Homefront
Civil War Documents
Brothers in Arms! David & John Moriart Grouping of the 31st & 62nd Ohio
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Here is a cool grouping from the Buckeye state. These items came from the estate of David S. Moriart (1841-1919) who served in Company A, 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and his brother John who served in the 62nd OVI. There is a cased ninth plate tintype of young Private David Moriart. The other image is a great one. It is a gutta percha cased sixth plate colored tintype of John Moriart holding a Colt .31 caliber pocket revolver and saber style bayonet. There is an original leather percussion cap pouch in relic condition. There are a couple of Civil War dated Bibles with one being 1862 and the other is dated 1864. There is a, a G.A.R. membership medal, a 1902 dated G.A.R. encampment medal. There is also an assorted religious ephemera (not specifically related to Moriart), newspaper clippings, early documents, a 9" celluloid button featuring Moriart and his wife. There is a pewter 4-1/4th inch pistol size powder flask. There is also a snapshot of Moriart and a relative. David lived in Newark Ohio after the war, and was buried in New Lexington Ohio, John moved to Michigan and is believed buried there. Our friends at have both soldiers listed with John Moriart's last name being misspelled as Morrett. You get the whole large collection for $895.

Item #: C4324
Price: $895.00 USD (Sale Pending)
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