This is a pleasing looking original and classic Civil War artillery saber. This is the classic mounted artillery sword that was used during the Civil War. It has the long sweeping curved blade. As you can see the blade on the sword has a good look with a very attractive light tone. The base of the sword blade has the production date of "1863" to go along with the inspector initials of "A.D.K." inspector initials stamp. This is where it was approved for military service by the inspector, A.D. King. On the back of the blade you can still clearly see the scroll style maker's mark of "AMES MFG. CHICOPEE, MASS". Often these Ames marks are very lightly stamped from the factory and no longer visible but you can see this one clearly. The brass guard and pommel cap are intact with a fine look to the brass. On the bow of the hand guard, it has the "A.D.K." inspector initials still visible. These are the initials of A.D. King. The handle has a nice untouched look with the original leather and wire remaining. They have a fine used but never abused look all over. The sword is accompanied by the original metal scabbard that has the throat and drag present as well as both of the rings and mounts. The scabbard was painted black somewhere long the line and still retains a good bit of the paint. This is a very attractive looking original 1863 dated Civil War artillery saber and scabbard.
Item #: C4321
Shipping Weight:
15 lbs
Your Price:$995.00 USD