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Non-Dug artifacts From The Civil War Era
32nd Pennsylvania Identified Pair of Cased Civil War Lieutenant Epaulets
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Here's a fine display set for your relic room. This is an original cased pair of officers shoulder epaulets. As you can see they are very attractive from all angles. They are made with out any applied insignia on the top which would denote being made for the rank of Lieutenant. Around the edges they have the original gold gilded bullion still present and on the underside they still retain the original golden silk lining. On the underside, it has the ink inscription from the owner "Wonderly". They come beautifully encased in the original tin carrying case. The case still retains a nice amount of the original Japanning on the tin. The case has the original applied brass maker label from the Horstmann & Sons Company in Philadelphia. On the inside of the casing, the lining has been beautifully restored as you can see in the images. The records show that David Wonderly was from Bucks County, Pennsylvania and enlisted as a Private in the 32nd Pennsylvania Infantry on May 27th 1861. He was discharged for disability on May 23rd 1864. During his service he was promoted to Lieutenant and then to Captain. The 32nd Pennsylvania had a valiant service history that included Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Winchester and the battle of Cedar Creek. A brief printout of his service history will accompany the pieces. This is a great set that anyone would be proud to own.

Item #: C4216
Shipping Weight: 6 lbs
Your Price:$695.00 USD
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