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Authentic Michigan & Wisconsin Reunion Items From Union Civil War Veterans
Veterans Items
1921 Department of Michigan G.A.R. Ribbon From Flint, Michigan
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This is a fine piece of history from a Civil War veteran. It is an original reunion badge that was worn by a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. This was the veteran's organization of the Union veterans of the Civil War. In order to become a member of the organization you had to prove that you served honorably for the United States during the war. This ribbon is red white and blue with gold lettering that reads "Member Department of Michigan 43rd Annual Encampment G.A.R. Flint June 21-22-23 1921" with a picture of the Grand Army of the Republic Seal. It is a nice ribbon that measures 1.7 inches by 4.7 inches in size. This one is very nice and will enhance any collection.

Item #: C4168
Shipping Weight: 0.3 lb
Your Price:$58.00 USD
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