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Authentic Civil War Artillery Shells & Cannonballs
Authentic Confederate 3 Inch Smooth Sided Read Shell With Copper Fuze Intact
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This is a great looking Confederate artillery shell. It is an original 3 inch version of the smooth sided Confederate Read shell. They look very similar to the Union Parrott shells with a couple of major differences. At the top of the shell it has the purely Confederate copper time fuse holder that is in fine shape. When this one flew out of the cannon, it blew the entire copper sabot (missing) off from the blast. You can clearly see the deep groove where the sabot attached at one time and a very small sabot piece is hanging on. Another thing that makes it cool is that the base of the shell chipped when it was fired which allow you to see how the sabot was attached. This is a neat thing to show your friends. The shell has been nicely cleaned and coated for display and preservation. This is a great looking and purely Confederate artillery shell.

Item #: C4162
Shipping Weight: 15 lbs
Your Price:$350.00 USD
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