This is one of my favorite patterns of Confederate swords from the Civil War. It is the short bladed artillery saber made for the Confederate artillerymen. They get their design after the Roman style gladiator sword. This pattern is a fierce looking weapon but their massive design proved unwieldy in battle so they stopped making them after the Civil War started. This is why we don't' see many of the originals, like this one, offered for sale. This one has a great look with a very pleasing appearance. The cast brass handle has the bold "CS" letters on each side of the handle as well as the star design on the end of the grip. You can see the casting grain where the brass was cast in a mold made of sand. You can see the imperfections in the casting for the manufacturer realized the importance of getting the piece into the field outweighed the desire for making it perfect. These flaws are one of the traits you look for to tell the original swords from the reproductions. The blade is 19 inches in length and the sword measures 24-1/4 inches overall. The blade has the wide single fuller on each side. The blade tapers as it goes toward the grip. This tapering is referred to as being a "Wasp Waist" blade design. As you can see, the blade is crude and beautiful with the service nicks along the edge. You can tell that this one was actually used. . What makes this piece really stand out is that it is accompanied by the original scabbard. These scabbards are made of brass, iron and wood which is why they seldom survive over the years. This one has the wooden body. The throat and drag are made of iron. The throat has the original brass stud intact. This is the stud that held the scabbard on the soldier's belt. The drag has the small lead tip cap that is almost always missing in action. This is a fantastic piece of Confederate Civil War artillery history.
Item #: C4159
Shipping Weight:
10 lbs
Your Price:$4,250.00 USD