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Authentic Original Rifle & Musket Bayonets of .58 Caliber
Misc. Non-Excavated
Beautiful English Marked .577 Caliber Enfield Pattern Bayonet
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This is a fine looking original socket bayonet for the Civil War era .577 caliber Enfield pattern rifle. This one has a full-length blade with an attractive dark tone to the metal on the socket. At the base of the blade it is marked with the numbers and the letters of the crown and regimental markings. These marks let us know that they were in English service at one time. It also has the remnants of a "R. & W.A." marking. The original lockring and screw that attached the bayonet to the end of the barrel are still present and fully functional. It is important to remember that these guns were all hand fitted so just because your gun is this model doesn't necessarily mean all bayonets will interchange with it. This is a nice marked Civil War era Enfield rifle bayonet.

Item #: C4107
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