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Union Veteran Items - Iowa & Ohio
Wonderful Framed Ohio Image of the G.A.R. Band from the 1906 Reunion
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What a cool image that is ready for your wall. This is a framed image of the Grand Army of the Republic Band. This large cabinet card is from Canton, Ohio. This big G. A. R. Group Photo shows the band with their instruments. On the bass drum in the back, it has the name of the band and the Canton marking. The 14-1/4th inch by 17 inch wooden frame is housing the 01 inch by 8 inch photograph of the Canton, Ohio G. A. R. Band. This was taken at their 40th reunion in 1906 and if you notice, at the top it has the image of President William McKinley who had been murdered. In the lower left of the card stock, it has the blindstamp of the photographer, Hamilton. This is a VERY cool image!

Item #: C4078
Shipping Weight: 8 lbs
Your Price:$195.00 USD
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