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Authentic Original Rifle & Musket Bayonets of .58 Caliber
Edged Weapons
1855 Blade Patterrn Civil War Replacement Bayonet for .69 Caliber Muskets
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This is a nice original socket bayonet for the Civil War era conversion of the early .69 caliber muskets. At the outbreak of the Civil War the U.S. Government had a tough decision to make. Should they buy new weapons or just convert the old flintlocks that were in the arsenals? They did both. This is one of the bayonets for the muskets that the government converted from flintlock to percussion. This is the pattern that is illustrated as figure B95 in Reilley's book, American Socket Bayonets and Scabbards. He states how they are a modernized version of the 1835/1842 socket bayonets. They use rounded shoulders on the blade base compared to the earlier bayonets. They also has the 1855 pattern blade fuller. These were used by the government when they had to issue replacement bayonets for the soldiers that were still using the early .69 caliber smoothbore muskets. So if you have wanted one that you know is Civil War to display with your early production .69 musket then this one is for you. It is missing the locking ring off of the socket and it is priced accordingly. The metal has a nice mottled color with a mostly smooth surface. These bayonets are easily distinguished from the standard 1816 bayonets because of the blade. At the base of the blade it has the "US" mark remaining at the base of the blade. The socket is in nice shape and all this bayonet needs is your gun.

Item #: C4038
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$145.00 USD
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