This is a nice solid original Civil War cavalry saber. This is the model 1860 cavalry saber referred to by collectors as the light cavalry because of the lighter weight and more streamlined design compared to the earlier model 1840 cavalry saber. On the base of the front of the blade are the clear stampings of the production date of "1864" along with the date, it has the "US" mark and the "J.M." inspector initials. These are the inspector initials of John Maggs who inspected for the government from 1862 until 1864. On the back of the blade you can still see the maker's mark of "EMERSON & SILVER" and "TRENTON, N.J.". Emerson made many quality edged weapons like this one during the American Civil War. The blade is full-length with a nice looking color. The guard and pommel cap have an attractive tone to the brass. On the top of the pommel cap are the matching and correct inspector initials of "J.M." for John Maggs. The original leather is intact and in fine shape with the wire being intact as well and it has a beautiful appearance. The complete original scabbard accompanies the sword. The scabbard has an attractive darker tone to the metal. It has the throat and drag intact. One thing that I love about this sword is that the lower mount and ring must have gotten lost so the soldier had a hand made, hand forged replacement made and mounted. It shows how the soldier really needed the sword. This is a very attractive sword for your Civil War display with a very cool repair.
Item #: C4017
Shipping Weight:
12 lbs
Your Price:$895.00 USD