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Authentic Daggers, Knives and Other Smaller Blades
Edged Weapons
Silver Mounted Jambiya Dagger With Horse Head Sheath
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Here is a cool looking dagger. This is a wonderful original Omani Silver Mounted Jambiya Dagger. This one has the 4-3/4th inch long curved blade. It measures 10 inches by 6-1/2 inches overall in size with hilt and scabbard. It is finely crafted with the double edged curved blade with central medians to both sides. The dagger hilt appears to be made of animal horn, with a T-shaped pommel and silver fittings. The dagger is made with pressed designs including bead and serpentine borderwork and Arabesque flower motifs. The original scabbard is also constructed of silver panels showing bead and serpentine borderwork, concentric trapezoids, Arabesque florals, and a brown leather backside. This is a great looking piece!

Item #: C3963
Shipping Weight: 4 lbs
Your Price:$595.00 USD
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