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Authentic Civil War Artillery Shells & Cannonballs
Excellent Dug 3 Inch Parrot Flat Top Bolt Projectile with Clear Sabot Rifling
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This is an excellent piece! It is an original excavated 10# parrot solid shot projectile. This is the style that is known as the flat-top Parrott. These projectiles were used to batter down defenses and artillery emplacements. This one is in superb shape all the way around. It has the entire iron sabot remaining at the base of the projectile. You can still clearly see the indentions of the three lands and grooves from the cannon barrel rifling from the 3 inch Parrott rifled cannon. Over the years, I have found these iron sabot versions tougher to find than the brass sabot versions. It has been nicely cleaned and coated for display and preservation.

Item #: C3962
Shipping Weight: 15 lbs
Your Price:$795.00 USD
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