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Authentic Confederate Manufactured or Used Swords and Firearms of the Civil War
CONFEDERATE RE-ISSUE! 1861 Dated .577 Civil War 2-Band Enfield Military Rifle
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This is an original Civil War Enfield pattern .577 caliber rifle. It is the 2-band version that is tougher to find than the standard 3-band Enfield. This is the Civil War production made in England like would have been brought through the blockade. It has the clear 1861 date of production on the lockplate to go along with the "TOWER" arsenal stamp and also the British crown stamp. The action still catches on both positions. The barrel is full-length at 33 inches and has the British proof marks visible at the breech. The stamps include the "*25*25*" that denotes the bore of the gun as being .577 in caliber. The bore of the gun looks like a stovepipe but you can see the lands and grooves. It has the original front sight still nicely intact as well as the rear sight. The gun has both of the 2 sling swivels. In the channel underneath the barrel, the ramrod is a 30 inch swelled shank US 1855/61 pattern rod about 3 inches short of a usable length for this gun. The stock has a medium tone and well worn tone to the wood that makes it display well. One thing that is neat about this gun is that just in front of the rear triggerguard screw it has remnants of the the crown and "SHGC" marking that for years we said stood for Schuyler, faint Hartley & Graham of New York. Now research has shown that this is a mark of the Sinclair Hamilton Company that imported rifles for the Confederacy. What makes this one extra special is one simple letter stamping. In front of the triggerguard it has the top portion of the block letter "A". Research now lets us know that this is the marking where a gun was captured and re-issued by the Confederacy. There is a similar marking in the center of the cover of the book by Captain Steven W. Knott entitled "Captured and Collected" Confederate Reissued Firearms. He explains how these guns were captured and then cleaned and repaired by Confederate workshops and then reissued to arm the Confederates during the War. It is believed that this letter "A" stands for an unknown inspector who was assigned to the job of final inspector. This is a very attractive looking Civil War 1861 dated Enfield pattern rifle that we know was Confederate used.

Item #: C3934
Price: $2,650.00 USD (Sale Pending)
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