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Excavated Civil War Uniform Buttons From the Union Government Artillery & Navy
Misc. Excavated
Excavated Gold Gilded Eagle "I" Infantry Coat Button From Mississippi
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This dug button has a great look! It is an excellent original coat size infantry officer's button. This is the gold gilded version and it has a good bit of the original gold remaining in just the right places to make the detail stand out. This is the 2-piece style that was worn by well-to-do infantry officers. It has the original back and shank is present with a small hole int he brass. The Verbal history that accompanied this piece is that it was recovered years ago on private property in the Corinth, Mississippi area. Corinth was the location of a fierce battle in October of 1862. This is a beautiful excavated infantry Eagle "I" pattern button.

Item #: C3913
Shipping Weight: 0.4 lb
Your Price:$29.00 USD
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