This is a nice original Civil War era Belgian bayonet. This is the pattern that is illustrated and described on page 164 to 166 of the fine book by David Noe , and Joseph Serbaroli, Jr. Entitled European Bayonets of the American Civil War. This is the Belgian model 1853 socket bayonet. It has the overall length of 20.88 inches with the blade making up 18.28 of those inches. The blade is full-length with the proof mark stamped at the base along with the letters "NS" on the top of the socket. The bayonet has the locking ring missing the screw on the socket has been replaced with a .58 Springfield ring that doesn't fit. This is a nicely priced original bayonet.
Item #: C3866
Shipping Weight:
2 lbs
Your Price:$99.00 USD