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Very Cool Leather Holster for a 6 Inch Barrel Length Colt .31 Revolver
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This one has a cool look! It is an original leather holster for a Colt revolver. This is a pattern that holds the classic Colt model 1849 "Pocket" revolver. The pictures show how it looks with a 6 inch barrel length Colt inside. The leather has an ancient look and the edge has separated on the top side of the body as you can see. It could be repaired but I will leave that for you. The flap is intact as well as the small pouch on the side for carrying cartridges. The body and the compartment both have the original small brass finials intact. This is a cool piece for the price.

Item #: C3808
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$195.00 USD
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