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Original Revolvers From The Colt Firearms Company
Attractive Original Matching Numbers Colt .36 Caliber Revolver from 1855
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This is a very nice looking gun. It is the famous model 1851 Colt revolver known as the "Navy" model revolver. This one is in pretty displaying condition. It has a mostly smooth surface all over. It has all matching production numbers of 37,686 with an unnumbered barrel wedge. These serial numbers let us know that the gun would have been manufactured in 1855. The top of the barrel has the one line maker's mark that reads "ADDRESS SAMl COLT NEW YORK CITY". These guns were manufactured in Hartford, Connecticut with the sale office being located in New York City. The side of the frame and the cylinder has the remnants of the "COLTS PATENT" stamp still visible. The cylinder of this gun has a trace amount of the original navy battle scene visible. This scene shows the battle between the Mexican Navy and the Texas Navy. The action works on all positions. The backstrap and triggerguard are in excellent shape and they each have a beautiful golden tone to the brass. On the handle of the gun it has the original 1-piece walnut wood grips. They display well as refinished. This is a good looking original Colt revolver from the early days of the Civil War.

Item #: C3716
Shipping Weight: 5 lbs
Your Price:$2,350.00 USD
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