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Authentic Artillery Implements of the Civil War Era
Nice Dug Brass Borman Cannonball Fuse Underplug
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This is a very nice dug original brass underplug for the Borman pattern cannonballs. These went between the zinc Borman fuse and the center chamber of the shell itself. You can see several examples of the variants for these under plugs pictured on page 25 of the Civil War artillery fuse book by Chuck Jones. It is in nice dug shape with a very pretty greenish brown tone patina. It will make a fine display with you Borman cannonball or just by itself. It measures about 1 inch across and is .38 inches thick. That would make it one of the thicker sizes for these under plugs. This is a very nice excavated Brass Borman ball underplug.

Item #: C3645
Shipping Weight: 0.4 lb
Your Price:$32.00 USD
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