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Authentic Confederate Manufactured or Used Swords and Firearms of the Civil War
Edged Weapons
Wonderful Confederate James Conning of Mobile Unmarked Cavalry Saber
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This is a cool looking rebel saber! It is an original Confederate enlisted man's cavalry saber. Even though this sword is unmarked, we know that it was made by the firm of James Conning in Mobile, Alabama because of the construction. The brass of the pommel cap and guard are untouched with a gorgeous old golden patina all over. These Conning swords have the very thick brass for the guard and pommel that are designed similar to the U.S. Model 1840. You can still see the casting and finishing marks int he brass. On the handle of the sword it has the original wooden core with about half of the original leather and it still retains the entire single strand iron wire still hanging on. The blade has an untouched tone all the way down with light surface rusting from the years of age. The blade has the single fuller gong down each side. The blade is full length and measures 34-3/4ths inches overall with no dings along the edge. The sword is accompanied by the original metal scabbard. The scabbard is complete with both of the mounts and rings intact as well as the original throat and drag. The scabbard is tough to find on these swords. They have the brass mounts with the very large thick iron rings. They have an iron drag and a small brass throat. If you have wanted a cool Confederate cavalry saber from Alabama, then this is what you need.

Item #: C3482
Shipping Weight: 15 lbs
Your Price:$4,500.00 USD
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