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Artifacts from the Indian War to Spanish-American War era

Original Type 2 Hanger Pattern Cartridge Box for Rifled Rounds
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This is an original "US" embossed Type 2 Hagner pattern cartridge box. This one is one of the Hagner pattern cartridge boxes that was designed to fit the .50-.70 cartridges with many of them being taken into the Rock Island Arsenal and refitted to hold the .45-70 cartridges for the Springfield trapdoor rifles. It is the version described and illustrated on page #60 of the Dorsey book on belt and equipment. The leather is the attractive black color and the " US" is still very very faintly visible on the other flap. The brass finial is present on the bottom of the cartridge box. On the back of the box it has both of the original belt loops but they have separated at the bottom of each loops. When you open up the box you it has the pair rows of the loops that would have held the cartridges at one time. This is a Good looking 100 year old cartridge box for the price!

Item #: C3089
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$79.00 USD
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