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Authentic Artillery Implements of the Civil War Era
Excellent Pack of Frankford Arsenal Time Fuzes Multi Time Style
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This is an excellent original pack for Civil War cannonball fuzes. These are the style that came from the Frankford Arsenal and have the wooden block with the paper label. This pattern was used to make up assorted pack and at the top of the paper you can see the remnants of the number markings which denote the burn times of the paper fuses that are inside. This one has the markings that contains four of the 8 second fuzes, and one of the 30 second fuzes. These originally held 5 fuzes and all five are still inside and protected. It makes a fine display to put with your individual fuse or a shell to show how they worked.

Item #: C1940
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price:$79.00 USD
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