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Autographs - Confederate
SHILOH! Autographed 5 Times by Confederate General Daniel Ruggles
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Here is an amazing piece of history! After the Civil War, soldiers from both sides came together to compile a detailed history of the War that tore the country apart. It was a monumental work that ended up being entitled The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. When possible, the compilers contact the surviving veterans to get their input and verification of the information. This is one of the documents that was verified by one of the key players during the fierce battle at Shiloh, Confederate general Daniel Ruggles. Daniel Ruggles (January 31, 1810 - June 1, 1897) was born in Barre, Massachusetts. He graduated from West Point with the class of 1833. He served in the 2nd Seminole War as well as the Mexican War. On August 9, 1861, he was promoted to Brigadier General. He is most famous for his actions at the Battle of Shiloh. He amassed a fierce line of Confederate artillery that would be forever known as the "Ruggles Line" that was firing into the area known as the "Hornet's Nest". He died in Fredericksburg, Virginia on June 1st 1897 and is buried there. This document contains multiple communications by Ruggles about positions and people during the battle. As you can see, the General took a blue ink pen and made notations and corrections to the information. He then sighed his signature and added "A True Copy" designating that he agrees with the information in the document. He signs the paper 5 times and each signature is vividly clear. The paper is separated along the center fold but displays quite well as you can see. It measures 14 inches by 8-1/4th inches in overall size. The autographed document is accompanied by a modern Xerox image of the General. It is a fine piece of history!

Item #: C1932
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$795.00 USD
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