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Authentic Confederate Manufactured or Used Swords and Firearms of the Civil War
Edged Weapons
RELIC! Confederate Cavalry Saber Attributed to Boyle & Gamble of Richmond
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This is a cool looking Confederate cavalry saber! As you can see in the images, this is a relic condition wall hanger with a ton of character. This is the classic unmarked version that has lovingly been nicknamed by collectors as the "Dog River" Confederate cavalry saber that is patterned after the U.S. model 1840 cavalry known as the "wristbreaker". They get this nickname because some of the unmarked cavalry sabers were made by the factory on the Dog River in Georgia. The fact is that most of the swords that are unmarked with this nickname were made throughout the south at arsenals and retailers both large and small. This particular design has long been attributed to the Richmond, Virginia firm of Boyle & Gamble. They are easily recognizable because the slenderness of the hand guard and the way it joins the pommel cap. There is one version of this style that shows up with a flat blade like this. This one has a full-length blade that measures 32-3/4ths inches. It has the pitting from the years it was exposed to the elements. The guard and pommel cap have a thick, beautiful untouched patina all over. The handle still retains the original wooden core as well as traces of the leather and the entire single strand copper wire wrap. You can tell when you look at the pommel cap that this beauty has never been apart or worked on. The blade wobbles in the hilt because as you can clearly see, it is a relic condition saber. If you have wanted a true Southern made cavalry saber that doesn't cost ten thousand dollars then this one is for you!

Item #: C1782
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