This is a very nice authentic Confederate States of
America $1,000.00 savings bond certificate. It was authorized to be printed by the Act of the Confederate Congress that was approved on
February 17th 1864 and is so marked in the upper right hand corner. This is the style that has the peaceful scene at the left of the top that shows a man walking over a small bridge. This is the style listed as CR-154 in the Confederate bond book by Criswell and as #366 in Ball's book on Confederate bonds. This one was never entered but it is signed, recorded and dated from February 8th 1865. Now that is optimism by buying a bond in 1865 when the fall of the Confederacy was almost a guarantee. These were utilized towards the end of the war when money was scarce and so many of them were never sold. The certificate measures approximately 10 inches by 7 inches in overall size. This will make a fine display as it is or it will look even better framed up on you office or relic room wall.'