This is an excavated .50 caliber Civil War Maynard carbine cartridge. This is the classic style that was so prized by the Civil War cavalrymen. It still has the flat brass piece still on the bottom and the powder inside. A Maynard carbine cartridge is must have for you cartridge collection. This piece was recovered in the area of the the Camp of Union General Wilson's Cavalry at Gravelly Springs, Alabama. He had over 20,000 cavalrymen camped there during the winter of 1864. It is in nice shape and before he tossed it, the soldier pushed the bullet down int he casing. He might have removed the power to use it for something. You get the exact Maynard carbine cartridge pictured.
Item #: C1424
Shipping Weight:
0.6 lb
Your Price:$35.00 USD