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Authentic Cartridge Boxes
Authentic U.S.N. Embossed .38 Colt Navy Pistol Size Leather Cartridge Box
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This is an original pistol size cartridge box from the late 1800's. This is a nice Spanish-American War US Navy pistol cartridge box for the .38 caliber Colt Navy revolvers made from 1889 to 1903. It has the USN embossed cover with interior wood block that would have been bored for cartridges (6 loose and 2 packs), and belt loops all present and in good condition. The closure tab brass is missing off of the snap fastened leather latch tab. Teddy Roosevelt was reported to have carried one of these revolvers that had been salvaged from the USS Maine. These boxes were common enough years ago but they are scarce enough now that reproductions are being made. This small box measures approximately 5-1/4 th inches across and 2-1/4th inches tall. The outer flap has the remnants of the "USN" embossing that lets us know it was for the United States Navy. This is a cool Spanish-American war pistol cartridge box.

Item #: C658
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$95.00 USD
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