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Authentic Original Rifle & Musket Bayonets of .58 Caliber
Authentic Artifacts from the Revolutionary War Era thru About 1840
Napoleonic Brown Bess Style Socket Bayonet Likely For a Carbine
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This is a great looking bayonet for the price! This is a socket bayonet from the Napoleonic era timeframe. It is designed like the socket bayonets for the Brown Bess style muskets but with the size, it is likely used with a carbine or fusil. It is 17 inches in overall length with the socket measuring 3-3/8ths inches in length. The blade side of the socket measures .83 inches inside and the barrel side of the socket measures .86 inches inside. On the top of the socket, it has the hole which was probably added later after use to attached the bayonet on a relic board. The base of the blade has the traces of the inspector markings. The metal is in fine condition with a silver tone. This is a cool looking bayonet.

Item #: C24
Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
Your Price:$145.00 USD
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