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Cavalry & Horse Equipment - Saddles & Misc.
Misc. Non-Excavated
Box Heel Spur with Sheldon of London Maker Marking
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Here is a very fine non-excavated fine quality cavalry spur. These is a smooth sided variation of the spur and it is pictured and described on page 83 of the fine spur book by Dr. Bob Baird entitled Confederate, US and Other Civil War Used Spurs. He explains how these are referred to as "Box Heel Spurs" and that they were designed with the projection or "Key" that comes out of the back of the spur. They are designed to slide into the box that was made into the heel of the spur. This has the "SHELDON" mark on the side markings on the "Key". Sheldon was a female spur maker located in London, England. He explains how this is a spur of the style that is similar to the one illustrated in the 1864 military catalog by Schuyler, Hartley & Graham. This is a great looking spur!

Item #: B9206
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price:$165.00 USD
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