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Authentic Daggers, Knives and Other Smaller Blades
Edged Weapons
Fine Original Civil War Era Horn Handled Three Bladed Surgeon's Bleeder
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This is a great original Civil War surgeon's bleeder or fleam. This is the style with three different size blades. This was used by doctors of the Civil War era. It was the high-tech device that was used for piercing wounds to drain blood. It was high-tech because the old option was leaches. This one has all three of the original blades present and accounted for. You can clearly see on the sides of the blades that they have the maker mark of the firm of C. Gregory of Sheffield, England. They made many quality knives and blades during this time period. The sides of the body still have the original polished horn style handles intact. This is a very nice displaying piece of Civil War medical history.

Item #: B9184
Shipping Weight: 0.3 lb
Your Price:$135.00 USD
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