This is a beautiful original Indian War era mounted artillery saber and scabbard. This is officially known as the U.S. Model 1872 Mounted Artillery Officer's Saber. This one has a full-length blade with the maker marks etched at the base. It has the maker's mark of "PETTIBONE MFG. CO" as well as the Cincinnati maker location of "CIN. O."." on the base of the front of the blade. On the back of the blade, it has the mark that lets us know that it was made for Ridabock in "FRANCE". The blade still has a beautiful
amount of the original
factory etching on the metal. The back side has the large "US" letters and on the front side it has the Union eagle with the "E PLURIBUS UNUM" motto on the banner. On the handle it has the original sharkskin grip and double twisted copper wire and it displays well as you can see. The sword is accompanied by a nice original metal scabbard with both mounts intact as well as the throat at the top. This is a fine looking Indian War artillery saber with scabbard and it has a beautiful etched blade.